Buget Ministerul Justitiei rectificare ...

URL: http://data.gov.ro/storage/f/2013-12-10T08%3A52%3A00.278Z/buget-mj-aparat-propriu-rectificare-bugetara-2012.xls

Bugetul Ministerului Justitiei, rectificare bugetara aparat propriu pe anul 2012

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Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification 21 Novembre 2014
Créé le inconnu
Format XLS
Licence OGL-ROU-1.0
Créé leIl y a plus de 11 ans
Media typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
Size48 128
datagovro download urlhttp://data.gov.ro/storage/f/2013-12-10T08%3A52%3A00.278Z/buget-mj-aparat-propriu-rectificare-bugetara-2012.xls
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romania download urlhttp://data.gov.ro/storage/f/2013-12-10T08%3A52%3A00.278Z/buget-mj-aparat-propriu-rectificare-bugetara-2012.xls

Reason: This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "xls" relates to format "XLS" and receives score: 2.
Checked: 22 Mai 2023