PAAP 2013- Venituri proprii


Programul Anual al Achiziţiilor Publice pentru anul bugetar 2013 (venituri proprii)

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Dictionnaire de Données

Colonne Type Intitulé Description
1.0 text
Notes autoadeziv Post-it 100x75mm text
22816100-4Blocnotesuri text
18.4542703182 numeric
80.6451612903 text
100.0 numeric
1.24 numeric
4.37 numeric
Cumpărare directa text
2013-01-01 00:00:00 text
2013-12-31 00:00:00 timestamp
personal AP text

Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification 12 Juillet 2016
Créé le inconnu
Format XLS
Licence OGL-ROU-1.0
Créé leIl y a plus de 7 ans
datagovro download url
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedIl y a plus de 7 ans
on same domainTrue
package id69e1a066-71df-4115-b116-a7b1b5f1a90e
revision idc11d9285-d25e-4f57-9308-2270ad4695e1
romania download url
url typeupload

Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "XLS" which receives openness score: 2.
Checked: 18 Mars 2020