RAPORT DE EVALUARE al implementării Legii nr. ...
URL: http://muzeul-satului.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Raport-evaluare-implementare-Lg-544-din-2001.pdf
RAPORT DE EVALUARE al implementării Legii nr. 544/2001 în anul 2019
Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Dernière modification | inconnu |
Créé le | inconnu |
Format | |
Licence | OGL-ROU-1.0 |
Créé le | Il y a plus de 5 ans |
datagovro download url | http://muzeul-satului.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Raport-evaluare-implementare-Lg-544-din-2001.pdf |
format | |
has views | True |
id | 6d57e67f-5573-44ae-9f9f-498108e9eed3 |
package id | 81144a9e-305a-497d-994e-80dee5dd62bf |
revision id | c5b155ce-7ae7-40f3-b4ce-f273d37c174a |
romania download url | http://muzeul-satului.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Raport-evaluare-implementare-Lg-544-din-2001.pdf |
state | active |
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Reason: This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "pdf" relates to format "PDF" and receives score: 1.
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