Raport privind situaţia economică şi bugetară ...

URL: http://discutii.mfinante.ro/static/10/Mfp/trezorerie/Anexa1semI2014_29072014.xls

Anexa 1 - Execuţia bugetului general consolidat 01 ianuarie - 30 iunie

Il n'y a encore aucune visualisation créée pour cette ressource

Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification 21 Novembre 2014
Créé le inconnu
Format inconnu
Licence OGL-ROU-1.0
Créé leIl y a plus de 9 ans
Media typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
Size430 080
datagovro download urlhttp://discutii.mfinante.ro/static/10/Mfp/trezorerie/Anexa1semI2014_29072014.xls
hash{"content": "441aed0957dded59183629b770c8ffdb21bb31c1", "header": "d0900fac6404f871c3bb2ebfa522300c9247e7c9"}
last modifiedIl y a plus de 9 ans
package id79918144-48bd-45b2-a68a-bcdca3859774
resource typefile
revision id0d33eea5-477b-468a-bd12-908fb3224c26
romania download urlhttp://discutii.mfinante.ro/static/10/Mfp/trezorerie/Anexa1semI2014_29072014.xls

Openness: 0 out of 5
Reason: File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: ('Connection aborted.', error(104, 'Connection reset by peer')). Attempted on 18/03/2020. Tried 2 times since 17/03/2020. This URL has not worked in the history of this tool.
Checked: 18 Mars 2020