2018 Lista instutuțiilor finanțate prin ...

URL: https://data.gov.ro/dataset/feebdc4f-33ee-433c-a76d-5a4b44154ee0/resource/f83aac99-f052-4c2c-8465-fe48dcd96d88/download/list-instituii-finanate-prin-sgg.xlsx

Instituții finanțate prin bugetul SGG la momentul aprobării Legii bugetului de stat pe anul 2018 nr.2/2018

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Dictionnaire de Données

Colonne Type Intitulé Description
Nr. crt. text
Denumirea institutiei text
Cod fiscal numeric
mnemonica text
finantare* text

Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification 21 Juin 2018
Créé le inconnu
Format XLSX
Licence OGL-ROU-1.0
Créé leIl y a plus de 5 ans
datagovro download urlhttps://data.gov.ro/dataset/feebdc4f-33ee-433c-a76d-5a4b44154ee0/resource/f83aac99-f052-4c2c-8465-fe48dcd96d88/download/list-instituii-finanate-prin-sgg.xlsx
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedIl y a plus de 5 ans
on same domainTrue
package idfeebdc4f-33ee-433c-a76d-5a4b44154ee0
revision idbcef524d-ec73-4f28-b1e7-0ecd79aafbe0
romania download urlhttp://data.gov.ro/dataset/feebdc4f-33ee-433c-a76d-5a4b44154ee0/resource/f83aac99-f052-4c2c-8465-fe48dcd96d88/download/list-instituii-finanate-prin-sgg.xlsx
url typeupload

Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "XLSX" which receives openness score: 2.
Checked: 26 Avril 2023