PAAP 2014-Programul de Cooperare Elevtiano-Roman


Programul Anual al Achiziţiilor Publice pentru anul bugetar 2014 (buget de stat)- Programul de Cooperare Elvetiano-Roman vizand reducerea disparitatilor economice si sociale in cadrul Uniunii Europene extinse

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Dictionnaire de Données

Colonne Type Intitulé Description
Nr. Crt. text
Denumire text
Cod CPV text
Val. Totala fara TVA; CHF text
Val. Totala fara TVA; Euro text
Val totala fara TVA; Lei numeric
Val. TVA -Lei text
Val.totala (care se contracteaza in 2014) estimata cu TVA - Lei text
Valoarea care se plateste in anul 2014(lei cu tva) numeric
Procedura de atribuire a contract text
Data estimata pt. inceperea proced. text
Data estimata pt.finalizarea proced. text

Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification 6 Juillet 2016
Créé le inconnu
Format XLS
Licence OGL-ROU-1.0
Créé leIl y a plus de 7 ans
Download URL
datagovro download url
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedIl y a plus de 7 ans
on same domainTrue
package id69e1a066-71df-4115-b116-a7b1b5f1a90e
revision idad5707e2-b67e-495f-9e1b-0dcec5f51ea9
romania download url
url typeupload

Openness: 0 out of 5
Reason: File could not be downloaded. Reason: URL request failed. Error details: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/var/lib/ckan/resources/eae/3ad/4e-1b15-4e4e-8f66-5b54f76e59b4'. Attempted on 18/03/2020. Tried 2 times since 17/03/2020. This URL has not worked in the history of this tool.
Checked: 18 Mars 2020