Anexa16Registrullocalsituacrizfinanuadminterito ...
Registrul local al situaţiilor de criză financiară a unităţilor administrativ-teritoriale
Informazioni supplementari
Campo | Valore |
Ultimo aggiornamento | Novembre 21, 2014 |
Creato | sconosciuto |
Formato | XLS |
Licenza | OGL-ROU-1.0 |
Creato | più di 10 anni fa |
Media type | application/ |
Size | 20.992 |
datagovro download url | |
format | XLS |
has views | True |
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last modified | più di 10 anni fa |
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position | 8 |
resource type | file.upload |
revision id | 2e24ff66-dbcc-4f7a-993f-55f055ffa4b9 |
romania download url | |
state | active |
Link is broken
- Connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:726)
This resource has failed 4 times in a row since it first failed: Marzo 17, 2020
We do not have a past record of it working since the first check: Marzo 17, 2020
Link checked: Maggio 25, 2020
- Connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:726)
This resource has failed 4 times in a row since it first failed: Marzo 17, 2020
We do not have a past record of it working since the first check: Marzo 17, 2020
Link checked: Maggio 25, 2020
No cached copy available