Cumparari directe 2014 T3.csv
Cumparari directe 2014 trimestrul 3
Informazioni supplementari
Campo | Valore |
Ultimo aggiornamento | Febbraio 23, 2015 |
Creato | sconosciuto |
Formato | CSV |
Licenza | OGL-ROU-1.0 |
Creato | più di 9 anni fa |
Download URL | |
Media type | text/csv |
Size | 95.750.820 |
datagovro download url | |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | e32a3d76-b582-4f98-afbc-4822ecb79d3b |
last modified | più di 9 anni fa |
package id | 4a4903c4-b1e3-46d1-82a5-238287f9496c |
position | 45 |
resource type | file.upload |
revision id | 382f19a0-64e4-46ad-8c09-d3aff23bb697 |
romania download url | |
state | active |
Link check is not conclusive
- Content-length 95750820 exceeds maximum allowed value 50000000
Link checked: Dicembre 5, 2023
- Content-length 95750820 exceeds maximum allowed value 50000000
Link checked: Dicembre 5, 2023
No cached copy available
Reason: This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "csv" relates to format "CSV" and receives score: 3.
Checked: Dicembre 5, 2023
Reason: This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "csv" relates to format "CSV" and receives score: 3.
Checked: Dicembre 5, 2023