Plati activitate curenta-noiembrie 2012
Del resumen del conjunto de datos
Situatia lunara a platilor efectuate pentru activitatea curenta, in perioada ian. 2012 -august 2016; setul de date cuprinde cheltuieli personal, cheltuieli bunuri si servicii, venituri...
Fuente: INFORMATII FINANCIARE: Plati activitate curenta, 01.2012-08.2016
Información adicional
Campo | Valor |
Última actualización | Noviembre 19, 2015 |
Creado | desconocido |
Formato | XLS |
Licencia | OGL-ROU-1.0 |
Creado | hace 9 años |
URL de descarga | |
datagovro download url | |
format | XLS |
has views | True |
id | c2d4aba3-410b-4723-b36c-57988545e551 |
last modified | hace 9 años |
on same domain | True |
package id | 1659f209-2865-4479-8284-724344f45d9d |
position | 40 |
revision id | a588460f-ecfb-4620-9b43-65b3b55388f0 |
romania download url | |
state | active |
url type | upload |
Link is ok
Link checked: Marzo 18, 2020
Link checked: Marzo 18, 2020
Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "XLS" which receives openness score: 2.
Checked: Marzo 18, 2020
Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "XLS" which receives openness score: 2.
Checked: Marzo 18, 2020