Contracte de finantare la 30 septembrie 2016


Contracte de finantare la 30 septembrie 2016 din SMIS


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Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
PO numeric
AP numeric
DMI numeric
Oper numeric
Apel text
Cod SMIS numeric
Titlu proiect text
Beneficiar text
Bug total text
Bug chelt elig text
Bug chelt neram text
Bug chelt neelig text
Bug elig benef text
Bug neram UE text
Bug neram nat text
Prefinantare text
Prefin Amortiz numeric
Rambursat text
Last Payment text
Stare text
Data aprobare proiect timestamp
Proj Start Date timestamp
Proj End Date timestamp
Tip beneficiar text
Nr contract/decizie finantare numeric
Data contract/decizie finantare timestamp
Autoritate responsabila text
Regiunea text
Judetul text
Localitatea text
Legal Repr text
Legal Repr Pos text
Address text
Postal Code numeric
Phone text
Fax text
Email text
Caen Code text
Objectives text
Expected Results text
Rationale text

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Zuletzt aktualisiert 11. Oktober 2016
Erstellt unbekannt
Format CSV
Lizenz OGL-ROU-1.0
Erstelltvor über 8 Jahren
datagovro download url
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedvor über 8 Jahren
on same domainTrue
package id86746b69-2fb2-454f-ae69-ece49fa9cbe7
revision id41e520ac-a195-4635-990d-8c521bfee5c9
romania download url
url typeupload

Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.
Checked: 18. März 2020