20 martie 2025.xlsx

URL: https://data.gov.ro/dataset/017d6b73-6107-4f9e-a74e-20b1bbda46cb/resource/41bb7d55-0bff-4a55-a8ec-b44faf30d87a/download/20-martie-2025.xlsx

Aus der Zusammenfassung des Datensatzes

Plati PNI Anghel Saligny, martie 2024

Quelle: Plati PNI Anghel Saligny, martie 2024


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Spalte Typ Bezeichnung Beschreibung
Nr. Crt. numeric
Județ text
UAT text
Număr Anexa 4 Beneficiar numeric
Nr. Data Anexa 4 MDLPA text
Denumirea obiectivului de investiții cf Ordin text
Categorie investiții text
Nr MDLPA cerere finanțare text
ID Proiect numeric
Nr contract MDLPA text
Data contract MDLPA timestamp
Valoarea totală a investiției din DG numeric
Valoarea de la bugetul de stat din DG numeric
Valoarea solicitată ptr decontare numeric
Progres % text
Proiectant text
Executant text

Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Zuletzt aktualisiert 1. April 2024
Erstellt unbekannt
Format XLSX
Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
ErstelltVor 3 Monaten
Media typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
datagovro download urlhttps://data.gov.ro/dataset/017d6b73-6107-4f9e-a74e-20b1bbda46cb/resource/41bb7d55-0bff-4a55-a8ec-b44faf30d87a/download/20-martie-2025.xlsx
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedVor 3 Monaten
on same domainTrue
package id017d6b73-6107-4f9e-a74e-20b1bbda46cb
revision id8c18f718-db20-41c4-b42d-f3b2fa99198e
url typeupload

Reason: Content of file appeared to be format "XLSX" which receives openness score: 2.
Checked: 1. April 2024