Bugetul general consolidat 01.01- 31.01.2016

URL: http://discutii.mfinante.ro/static/10/Mfp/buget/executii/bgcianuarie2016.xls

Bugetul general consolidat 01.01- 31.01.2016


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Ultima actualizare necunoscut
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Format XLS
Licență OGL-ROU-1.0
Createdpeste 5 ani în urmă
datagovro download urlhttp://discutii.mfinante.ro/static/10/Mfp/buget/executii/bgcianuarie2016.xls
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package id3050b3e2-0f64-4955-8c82-d1b6bb5eb23f
revision idc7bff919-ef5c-4718-b900-0e17b154b4de
romania download urlhttp://discutii.mfinante.ro/static/10/Mfp/buget/executii/bgcianuarie2016.xls

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Reason: File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: ('Connection aborted.', error(104, 'Connection reset by peer')). Attempted on 18/03/2020. Tried 2 times since 17/03/2020. This URL has not worked in the history of this tool.
Checked: 18 Martie 2020